So I’m at this retirement party for these two guys my husband used to work with and I’m talking to this woman–another former co-worker of my husband, but also a friend of mine–who mentions she read (at least started to read) the original story I tried drafting in real-time on
The end is near
Summer, my thirties, the pears I canned last year…so many cool things on the verge of being gone forever.
Stupid finite human reality. I hate it.
Now I have regrets…like I should have blogged during August (I’m a slacker). Should’ve made more of myself during the decade of my thirties. I should have savored
Crashing the Tin House Writer’s Workshop
Of course I couldn’t officially attend Tin House’s writing extravaganza this past week—it’s like $1,100. And of course I’ve been plotting for months to go anyway.
The thing is, I’ve been to enough of these writing confabs to know they’re a bit like weddings. Everybody’s slightly drunk and blissed-out and wouldn’t know if you’re a
Haircuts and other acts of bravery
My ridiculous hair.
I need to cut my hair off. It’s long and heavy and ridiculous.
But I don’t want to. Maybe long hair reminds me of being young…
That’s the problem, see? I’m NOT young. I’m on the verge of forty, and the locks need to go before I “cross
One ticket, please, for that other Earth.
Offline. What a weird concept. It didn’t even exist back in the eighties when the most we could do to “disconnect” was take the phone off the hook.
Which I never did.
That was back when I was the social version of myself.
Now I’m more a hermit version, but I still can’t
What I do when I’m depressed about writing
I just read my last post about creating quirky characters and groaned. Out loud. And made that hideous pig-snorting face reserved for people who have just done something stupid.
What kind of an idiot makes herself into a cutsie fake character on a blog? To make matters worse, I read this
Like a trip to the girl doctor that you video then post on YouTube.
That’s what it feels like, this writing insanity: exposing yourself, then begging people to distribute the evidence.
The recent news that I’ve actually had my work accepted by a journal is bittersweet.
I’m completely neurotic about what my bio should say, my head shot, if my mother will disown me for the
A cat pee kind of day.
I got home late last night from a super rad evening of music and spoken word (thanks Gray Skies Reading Series) and noticed a sour, gross smell in my office as I was checking my email. I thought maybe it was my own sweat I was smelling, which has a
Who needs writing groups?!
I made the transition from working 40+ hours a week as an executive manager in a public agency to becoming a full-time writer and graduate student over a period of several years.
Joining or starting a writing group can provide focus, direction, and writing support. Also deadlines help motive
Writing in “Public” (or Charles Dickens Did It)
I’m taking a break from the hideous story I’ve been posting so I can capture what it’s been like to write like an insane killer: serially. Okay, that’s dramatic.
But writing a story in chunks and putting those drafty chunks out there for others to inspect feels as if I’m barfing on